目的:探讨昏迷并气管切开创伤性颅脑损伤患者安全有效的高压氧治疗。方法:方法2003年5月- 2006年12月,215例创伤性颅脑损伤昏迷伴气管切开患者(渐进组),男136例,女79例,年龄31.8±9.4岁,采用高流量吸氧、舱内全程监护、首次单独开舱等综合措施,使患者整个治疗方案呈现循序渐进的方式进行,患者治疗依从性明显提高,与2001年7月至2003年4月同类患者107例(对照组)高压氧治疗情况进行比较。结果:高压氧治疗依从度(治疗10次以上)79.1%,较以往的64.5%明显提高;渐进组的治愈率73.0%,有效率95.8%,对照组的治愈率57.0%,有效率86.996。结论:采取渐进式高压氧治疗方案,可确保创伤性颅脑损伤昏迷并气管切开患者高压氧综合治疗的顺利进行,值得推广应用。
Objective: To investigate the safe and effective usage of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment on patients of traumatic brain injury with coma after trachaotomy. Method: From May 2003 to Dcember 2006, 215 patients of traumatic brain injury with coma after tracheotomy were treatment by hyperbaric oxygen treatment in our department, male 136, female 79, average 31.8 ± 9.4 years. All patients were treated by normoberic oxygen (NBO, high flow oxygen out of air compression chamber) one time everyday at first for one or two days, then let them treated by hyperbaric oxygen treatment after they adapted themself to breath via mask or head covering. If someone had complication which is not suitable to hyperbaric oxygen treatment such as hemorrhage of digestive tract, then continue normoberic oxygen, when patients treated by hyperbaric oxygen for the first time, is good to have the patient take treatment only one person in chamber that means no other patents, compress velocity was slower than routine, and the treatment pressure was lower than routine. Multiple parameter cardiacelectrographic monitor was used in the whole course fo hyperbaric oxygen treatment, it could let us know vital signs of patients in the chamber such as blood pressure and respiratory rate, heart rate, this could help us know patient' s condition in time, so as to have appropriate treatment proposal 1, and is useful for medical worker to have correct act when patients feel unwell. Rasults: The compliance rate of progressive group was 79.1%, while control group was 64.5 %, there was significant difference between two groups (P〈C 0.05 ) . The cure rate of progreasive group was 73 %, while control group was 57 %, the effective rate of progressive group was 95.8%, while control group was 86.9 %, there was significant difference between two groups (P〈0.05) . Conclusion: Progressive hyperbaric oxygen treatment, inducling combined with normobaric oxygen and usage of multiple parameter cardiacelectrographic monitor in the course of
Journal of Fuzhou General Hospital
Hyperbaric oxygen
Brain injury
Traumatic Coma