目的:探讨细胞因子Semaphorin 3a(Sema 3a)在小鼠胚胎视交叉发育过程中发挥的作用。方法:E13至E15小鼠胚胎的眼球至视束部分制备成脑厚片,置于含10%的小牛血清的DMEM/F12的培养液中,在37℃的恒温的滚动培养箱中培养5h。实验组中将Sema 3a抗体加入培养液中。培养结束后,将脑厚片以4%多聚甲醛固定,将DiI颗粒置于一侧视盘。7d后,在手术显微镜下,暴露被标记的视神经纤维,在激光扫描共聚焦显微镜下观察。结果:用Sema 3a抗体阻抑Sema 3a的功能,可引起E13跨越中线的视神经纤维减少以及神经纤维走行错误。结论:在视交叉形成的早期,Sema 3a可能吸引视神经纤维跨过中线,并且这个过程可能是短暂的。
Objective: To detect the fimction of Semaphofin 3a (Sema3a) on the development of optic chiasm of embryonic mouse embryos (E13 to El5). Methods: Heads of mouse embryos (E13-E15) were cut into brain slices that contained anatomic structures of optic pathway from the eyes to the optic tract. Brain slice were cultured in DMEM/F12 with 10% fetal bovine serum at 370 C in a rolling incubator for 5 hours. During this period, antibody of Sema3a was added into medium except the control groups. After the culture, brain slices were fixed, and then a DiI granule was inserted into the optic disc of unilateral eye. Brain slices were changed to 2% formalin. 7 days later, tissues surrounded optic chiasm was taken away to expose the DiI-labeled optic chiasm for later observation under confocal microscope. Images were analyzed by METAMORPH Software. Results: The treatment of Sema3a antibody caused a reduction of crossed optical fibers at the period of El3, with the wrong course of some axons. Conclusions: Sema3a may play a transient role in attracting the axon to cross the midline at early stage of the development of mouse optic chiasm
Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy