软件保障是软件密集型装备和系统持续可靠地发挥作战效能的有力保证。从软件保障原则、保障组织和保障过程等方面,研究了面向EUP过程(Enterprise Unified Process,EUP)的军用软件保障机制,初步探讨了在EUP全生命周期中规划、组织和实施军用软件保障的方法。
Software support is absolutely necessary guarantee of software-concentrated equipments, and also the sustained credible for operation efficiency by software system. This paper researches the military software support mechanism on Enterprise Unified Process-oriented (EUP) on the fields of software support principles, organization and its process. The method of planning, organizing and implementing the military software is elementarily discussed here for completed lifecycle of EUP.
Command Control & Simulation