

Application of advanced fiber composite materials in bridge constructing and strengthening
摘要 针对先进复合材料以其高比强度、高比模量、耐腐蚀、轻质和热膨胀系数小等一系列优异性能逐步应用于桥梁工程现实,对复合材料在桥梁工程中的应用进行了总结和评述,阐述了复合材料的特点,对复合材料在桥梁建设、桥梁的加固、翻新以及现有桥梁的升级等方面的应用进行了归纳,讨论了复合材料应用于桥梁工程中所遇到的问题,展望了复合材料在桥梁建设的进一步广泛应用。 Advanced composite material has a series of favorable characters such as high strength-to-weight, high module-to-weight, corrosion resistant, lightweight etc, and more composite has been applied to the bridge structure. The main objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of the application advanced composite materials in bridge project, present the characteristic of composite, conclude the actuality state of composite used in construction, strengthening, regeneration and upgrading of the existing structures, discuss the question of application and the conflict of the composite and traditional construction material. Finally some opinions about the future development and the prospective application are presented.
作者 朱强
出处 《鞍山科技大学学报》 2007年第3期281-284,共4页 Journal of Anshan University of Science and Technology
关键词 复合材料 桥梁 增强筋 腐蚀 修补加固 composite material bridge reinforced tendons deterioration repair and strengthening
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