

An Investigation on the Distribution of Wild Alstonia scholaris Resources in Southern Yunnan Province
摘要 以滇南野生灯台树集中分布地为调查对象,用植被生态学的野外常规调查方法进行实地详查和常规数理统计。结果表明,野生灯台树在滇南分布的最高海拔为1300m,与坡向、坡度和坡位关系不明显;其分布和生长与道路和水沟没有必然联系。种群分布格局为成群分布型,但种群生长较为分散,野生资源储量匮乏。灯台树主要分布在乔木层(盖度≤54%)和灌木层(盖度≤37%)较为松散的森林和轮歇地、农用耕地等地段,具萌生力较强的特点。 The distribution of wild Alstonia scholaris resources in southern Yunnan Province was investigated with the methods of common ecological field investigation and common mathematical statistics. The results show that wild Alstonia scholaris distributes below the altitude of 1 300 m and mere, and has little relation with the direction, degree and position of the slope. Its distribution and growth have no logical connection with loads and trenches. Wild Alstonia scholaris grows in groups but comparatively loose, which can lead to the lack of wild Alstonia scholaris resources. Wild Alstonia scholaris mainly grows in the forest,fellow land, and farmland, where arbor and shrubbery are not dense.
出处 《林业科技开发》 2007年第4期29-32,共4页 China Forestry Science and Technology
基金 云南省省院省校科技合作项目(200YKS01)
关键词 灯台树 野生分布 资源 调查 Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. Wild distribution Resource Investigation
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