Phenological observations of 10 ephemeral Asteraceae species in the Junggar Desert were carried out for 3 years. A phenospectrum chart was prepared and principal component analysis (PCA) wae performed on the main meteorological factors influencing phenology, The main results are as follows: (1)All 10 species germinated in late March to early April and completed their life cycle in middle May to middle June, with life spans of 55 80 d. (2) The main meteorological-induced factors were different for the various phenophases. Temperature, including 10-day mean temperature , 10-day highest temperature, the 10-day lowest temperature and cumulative temperature ≥ a base temperature of 5 ℃, played important role in each phenophase. Thus temperature is the most important meteorological-inducing factoring in the growth of these 10 species; Cumulated hours of sunshine was the main factor for induction of flowering, fruit matuation and senescence, and 10-day amount precipitation was the main factors for induction of germination, leaf expansion, flowering and senescence. Thus hours of sunshine and 10-day amount precipitation played an equally important role in the life history of 10 ephemeral species. The 10 ephemeral species germinated and grew rapidly, and their life spans are shorter than other species growing in the Junggar Desert, indicating that all of them are typical spring ephemerals plants escape the arid summer climate in the drought and heat-tolerant seed stage. These phenological characteristics are important for 10 survival and reproductive success of the 10 ephemeral species in the extreme environment of the Junggar Desert.
Arid Zone Research