The Little Prince, known as “The French Rose” is not only a world - famous philosophic fairy tale, but also a fable pregnant with the meaning of life. The little prince is distressed, and then he explores what is meaningful to him. In the process of the experience, he observes those “adults” who are occupied with a lot of valueless things such as hunt- ing for power, being vain and searching for too much owning, working and learning. The little prince pursues the tree value of life and tree love without any obstacle. The subject of this thesis is mainly about the little prince's course of realizing love and responsibility. It begins with escaping from the love restricting, experiencing the course of taming others, and ended with returning of love and responsibility. In the society of lacing of human touch, searching for love and responsibility has a profound meaning indeed.
Journal of Chengdu University (Social Sciences)
The Little Prince
Antoine de Saint- Exupery
philosophic fairy tale