小层对比是油藏描述中一项十分基础且重要的工作。目前不少油田采用CorelDraw等绘图软件进行小层对比成图,图件美观,但是效率低,无法快速得到任意联井剖面的对比图。利用GIS强大的数据管理与图形可视化功能,能方便地对井的各种数据进行有效的管理。在此基础上,运用组件式开发技术,以VC为开发工具,基于SuperMap Objects控件实现了井位置与属性的双向查询及小层对比等功能。该系统能快速建立任意剖面的对比图,提高了小层对比成图的效率。
Substratum correlation is a quite basical but very substratum correlation maps are made using manual drawing important work in reservoir description research. Nowsoftware such as CorelDraw in many oilfields. Although beautiful pictures can be got in this way, its efficiency is quite low. Moreover, it is hardly getting the contrast picture of a well-tied section as your will. It is easy and quick to establish any well-tied profiles based on GIS's spatial analysis and graphic visualization function. In addition, it is convenient to query information related to oil wells. Using Visual C^++ as the basic develop tool and SuperMap Objects as control objects, this software system was developed on the base of component development technology.
Geospatial Information