[Obsjeclive] To investigate the effects of time and methods of pregnancy termination in severe preeclampsia with ascites on mothers and fetals. [Methods] To retrospective analyse 46 patients suffered from severe pre-eclampsia with ascites. [Results] All 46 patients had hypoproteinemia and ascites was proved by clinicalexam- ination, B uhrasonography or cesarean section. Severe pre-eclampsia with ascites was 12.5% and with fetal growth restrictionwas 63.0%. The perinatal mortality was 37.5%. The cesarean section rate was 82.6%. 1 pregnant woman of 3 patients who compounded with DIC and kidney failure was dead and other women all survived. Neonatal asaphyxia rate and perinatal mortality of them whose pregnant days less than 34 weeks was higher than those whose pregnant days more than 34 weeks. [Conclusions] In severe pre-eclampsia with ascites, terminating pregnancy in time is the only effective method after active waiting treatment. Most patients should get well as soon as terminated pregnancy and cesarean section is the first choice.
China Journal of Modern Medicine