目的:观察大安颗粒对血压的影响。方法:①给麻醉犬灌服大安颗粒10 g、30 g(生药).kg-1,测定给药后30 min、60 min、90 min、120 min、180 min的血压;②给麻醉犬灌服大安颗粒10 g、30 g(生药).kg-130 min后,静滴盐酸多巴胺0.02 mg.min-1.kg-1,分别测定灌服大安颗粒后60 min、90 min、120 min、150 min和180 min的血压。结果:①麻醉犬灌服大安颗粒两种剂量后的30 min^180 min内的血压与给药前和阴性对照组比较无统计学意义;②大安颗粒10g(生药).kg-1剂量组于给药后的60min、90 min、120 min具有抑制盐酸多巴胺致麻醉犬收缩压升高的作用。结论:大安颗粒对正常健康麻醉犬的血压无显著影响,但灌服10 g(生药).kg?1后的60 min^120 min内可对盐酸多巴胺致麻醉犬升高的收缩压具降低的作用。
Objective.. To investigate the effect of Da'an granule on dog's blood pressure. Methods: ①Intragastric(i. g. )administrated the Da'an granule 10g and 30 g(crude drug) · kg^-1 to anaesthetised dogs. Determine the dog's blood pressure at 30 min ,60 min,90 rain,120 min.180 min after the drug had been given. ②30 min after giving the Da'an granule 10 g and 30 g(crude drug) · kg^-1 to anaesthetised dogs, administrated dopamine 0. 02 mg · kg^-1 per min by intravenous drip, and determine the blood pressure at 60 min, 90 min, 120 min, 150 min and 180 min respectively. Results:①From 30 min to 180 min after the two dosage(10 g and 30 g · kg^-1) of Da'an granule had been given to anaesthetised dogs, there were no statistic differences between the Da'an granule group and no drug-application group, and also between the Da'an granule group and the control group. ②The 10 g (crude drug) · kg^-1 group could inhibit increased systolic blood pressure indnced by dopamine in anaesthetised day at 60 min, 90 min, 120 min after the dog had been given the drug. Conclusions: Da'an granule had no remarkable effect on healthy anaesthetised dog's blood pressure. But after given 10 g (crude drug) · kg^-1 Da'an granule to dog the drug could inhibited dopamine hydrochloride induced increasing systolic blood pressure at 60 min, 90 min, 120 min after the drug had been given to the dogm,and there were no remarkable effect on dog's diastolic blood pressure and average blood pressure.
Sichuan Journal of Physiological Sciences
Da' an granule
Blood pressure