脂肪甘油三酯脂肪酶(ATGL)是脂肪组织中参与脂肪分解的脂肪酶。ATGL也被称为TTS2.2、desnutrin、iPLA2ζ或PN- PLA2,在进化过程中较保守。ATGL拥有特异性的patatin结构域。空腹时ATGL表达上调,重新摄食后表达下降。基础水平、激素刺激和过表达时均可分解甘油三酯,表达被抑制时甘油三酯分解减少。在ob/ob和db/db肥胖小鼠模型中表达量下降,表明其与肥胖、2型糖尿病、胰岛素抵抗和心血管系统疾病等严重疾病的发生可能均有关联。ATGL基因剔除小鼠研究证实其在能量代谢中发挥的重要作用;同时表明ATGL是负责细胞脂肪代谢的重要的甘油三酯脂肪酶。本文综述了ATGL的最新研究进展。
Three different laboratories discovered a novel enzyme, nemed ATGL (adipose triglyceride lipase), and also named TTS2.2, iPLA2ξ, desnutrin, or PNPLA2, in accordance with its predominant expression in adipose tissue, which is highly conserved in evolution. ATGL represents a novel type of patatin domain -containing triglyceride hydrolase that is more closely related to plant lipases than other known mammalian metabolic triglyceride hydrolases. ATGL increases when hungery, but decreases after re-eating. When reaching at the basic level, by the stimulation of certain hormones and its overexpression, the hydrolyzation of triglycerides occurs, and its silenced expression decreases the lipid mobilization. The lower expression levels in ob/ob and db/db mice suggest a possible significance of ATGL function in the development of severe diseases such as obesity, diabete type 2, insulin resistance, cardiovascular diseases, etc. The research of ATGL knockout mice indicates that ATGL plays an important role in energy homeostasis. Present data permit the conclusion that adopose triglyceride lipase is involved in the cellular mobilization of fatty acids. This paper reviewed the latest research progress of ATGL .
Progress in Modern Biomedicine