
中国北方农牧交错带风水蚀复合区的粮食与退耕还林(草)问题 被引量:10

Food Supply and Grain for Green Project in the Water-wind Erosion Compound Areas of Farming and Grazing Interlaced Zone in Northern China
摘要 中国北方农牧交错带风水蚀复合区是一个非常特殊的生态脆弱区,通过对该类型区60个典型县域的实地考察和统计资料分析表明:①该类型区的人均粮食产量自给有余,但粮食单产较低,较高的人均粮食产量是以扩大耕地面积,牺牲生态为代价的,今后粮食增产的主要潜力重点应放在提高水浇地单产上。②从区域和国家生态安全角度考虑,该类型区不适宜大规模开垦耕地,而应在粮食自给的基础上逐渐转变为以牧为主的发展方向,退耕还林(草)正是实现这一重要转变的最有效途径和措施。③农户调查结果表明,退耕对农户粮食产量和家庭经济收入的影响不大,大部分农户能够自觉接受退耕还林(草)政策,但目前正处于相持阶段,仍需要国家给予适当经济补偿。因此,该类型区的退耕还林(草)工程不但不能压缩,而且应该进一步扩大规模,加大投资力度。 The water-wind erosion compound areas of farming and grazing interlaced zone in northern China are very special ecological fragile areas. The two anthropogenic factors, agriculture and animal husbandry, and the two natural factors, wind erosion and water erosion, affect together on the same space scale and different time scale, which results in the serious soil erosion and land desertification. In this paper, based on the data of our field work and investigation to 60 typical counties, we analyzed some problems of food supply and the Grain for Green Project. The results demonstrate that: ①Grain output in these areas is more than self-support, but the grain yield of unit area is very lower than other areas in China. So, it has little contribution to the country's food security. In fact, the higher grain output is mainly from reclamation of the dry lands, which will cause land degradation. In the future, the most potential Of grain increase production will depend on irrigable land ; ②Considering from the country's ecological security, the water-wind erosion compound areas of farming and grazing interlaced zone in northern China is not suitable for large scale land reclamation, and not suitable for developing the national grain production base. Irrigation land grain yield should be improved, and the unsuitable grain-production regions should be transferred to develop animal husbandry by converting farmland to forest and grassland (Grain for Green Project), which can resume its ecological barrier function step by step. ③Household inquisitions indicate that the policy of Grain for Green Project has little negative impact on the households' food supply and family income, and most of the households could accept and support this policy very well. The inquisitions also show that households still need appropriate economic compensation for their retired land, because the Grain for Green Project can not increase their income during recent years. We consider that ecological security is the most important pro
出处 《中国沙漠》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期552-557,共6页 Journal of Desert Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40501070) 中国科学院"西部之光"人才培养计划项目资助
关键词 农牧交错带 风水蚀复合区 粮食问题 生态安全 退耕还林 farming and grazing interlaced zone water-wind erosion compound area food supply ecological security Grain for Green Project
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