通过对我国油田含聚污水污染状况进行分析,提出处理油田含聚污水的关键是去除污水中的聚丙烯酰胺(HPAM)。以聚丙烯酰胺污水为处理对象,通过正交试验确定了Fen-ton试剂各影响因素的影响权重,并深入研究了Fenton试剂中各影响因素的作用机制,同时通过分别试验确定了Fenton试剂处理聚丙烯酰胺污水的最佳操作条件:Fe2+和H2O2浓度分别为400 mg/L、1.0 mL/L,反应温度40℃、反应时间15 min,反应体系的pH为3左右,HPAM的降解率能达到88%以上,COD降解率高达97%。
Through the analysis of pollution status of Polymer- bearing wastewater in our oilfield, it is suggested that the key point of treatment to Polymer - bearing wastewater in oilfield is the removal of polyacrylamide, the importance of each affecting factor in treating Polyaerylamide wastewater was determined by orthogonal experiments, and the mechanism of each affecting factor was analyzed thoroughly. Moreover, the optimal operating conditions was determined by selective experiment: [H2O2] = 1.0mL/L, [Fe^2+] = 400mg/L, 40℃ and 15min at pH = 3. Under these conditions, the HPAM was removed over 88%, COD removals were over 97%.
Energy Environmental Protection