
中国特有植物同钟花(桔梗科)的细胞学研究 被引量:1

A Cytological Study on Homocodon brevipes (Campanulaceae),a Species Endemic to China
摘要 对分布我国西南的特有属同钟花属的同钟花(Homocodon brevipes)进行细胞学研究,其染色体数目为68,核型为2n=68=56m+10sm+2st,可能是四倍体。通过比较桔梗科已有的大量细胞学资料认为该类群应该与风铃草属和沙参属所代表的类群关系较近。 Homocodon brevipes, a species of the family Campanulaceae and endemic to China was karyo-morphologically studied for the first time. Its chromosome number is 68 and its karyotype is formulated as 2n = 68 = 56m + 10sm + 2st. By comparing with other cytological data of Campanulaceae, this species is probably tetraploid and the genus Homocodon may be close to Campanula and Adenophora in phylogeny.
出处 《云南植物研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期323-326,共4页 Acta Botanica Yunnanica
关键词 同钟花 核型 Homocodon brevipes Karyotype
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