Sixty cases of biliary ascariasis were treated by acupuncture, moxibustion and medicine comblnedwith fat-meal-MgSO4 sequence therapy. Acupoints are Ganshu, Danshu, Riyue, Qimen, Yanglingquan. Drugs are Oriental Wormwood Decoction, Powder for Treating Cold Limbs and Pill ofBlack Plum. The cure rate was 70. 1 % in treatment groups, while it was 37. 5 % in control group.The former is much better than the latter (P< 0. 01)
Sixty cases of biliary ascariasis were treated by acupuncture, moxibustion and medicine comblnedwith fat-meal-MgSO4 sequence therapy. Acupoints are Ganshu, Danshu, Riyue, Qimen, Yanglingquan. Drugs are Oriental Wormwood Decoction, Powder for Treating Cold Limbs and Pill ofBlack Plum. The cure rate was 70. 1 % in treatment groups, while it was 37. 5 % in control group.The former is much better than the latter (P< 0. 01)
Acupuncture Research