构建农业水资源可持续利用(Sustainable Utilization of Agricultural Water Re-sources,SUAWR)评价指标体系(Indicaters Systern,IS)既要考虑IS构建的一般性问题,也要顾及SUAWR内涵的多维性.根据SUAWR内涵,分别从用水流程和用水影响因素两种角度提出了SUAWR评价目的和评价要求,指出SUAWR评价维度包括质量维、数量维和时空维.在阐明评价理论基础上,提出IS构建原则,并采用频度统计法、理论分析法等方法,进行了IS构建、结构优化,并进行构成分析,建立了以农业可持续发展为目标的一般性SUAWR综合评价IS,探讨了AWR复合系统多维度可持续性评价如何在多层次IS中实现.
Although indicators system is fit for evaluating sustainability situation of AWR system due to its complexity and levity,it should be paid attention to both a lot of general problems of its indicators system and multi-dimensionality connotations of AWR sustainable use. Based on discussion of connotation of sustainable AWR use, it is brought forward of both assessing aims from flowchart and influencing factors of AWR use and assessing requirements. Furthermore, it is pointed out that sustainability assessment dimensionality of AWR use should include quality, quantity and space-time. According to aims, requirements and dimensionality of sustainability assessment of AWR use,this article brings forward five establishment principles of indicators framework, that is, nature of science, maneuverability, integration, coordination, combination of the dynamic and the static, priority. Then, We study out establishing route on the basis of relative theories or concepts of statistics and water resources, etc. After the course of selection of useable proper indicators by methods of frequency statistic and theoretic analysis,we establish and optimize indicators framework of assessing on sustainable AWR use aimed at sustainable agriculture development by methods of AHP, pedigree clustering and DELPHI, and explain its information structure also. Then, we probe into realization of assessment of multi-dimensionality sustainability of AWR system by indicators framework in hierarchy.
Journal of Quanzhou Normal University
agricultural water resources
sustainable use
token of multi-dimensionality sustainability