本文以翔实的历史资料回顾了我国科技信息计算机服务系统的研究、建设和服务的历史进程 ,分析了发展中反映出的问题。文章专门回顾了这一领域取得的主要技术进步和中国科技情报学会及其计算机情报管理专业委员会开展的学术活动。文章最后对“九五”进行了展望 ,提出了建设全国科技信息资源网的建议和设想。
This paper reviews the process of development of China's computerized scientific and technological information service.Starting from the middle of 1970s and developing into an embryonic form through the efforts made during the period of the Sixth Five Year Plan, it began to take shape after the period of the Seventh Five Year Plan,came to a turning point in the period of the Eighth Five Year Plan and entered a new stage to develop a nationwide scientific and technological information network and modernize the exchange and sharing of scientific and technological information so is to meet the needs of development of a global information network. The paper also analyzes the problems encountered during the development.Finally, the paper looks into the prospect for the development during the period of the Ninth Five Year Plan and puts forth some proposals and ideas for the development of a scientific and technological information resources network in China.
New Technology of Library and Information Service