目的:综合国内外文献资料进行比较,探讨不同影像学技术对胫骨平台骨折的治疗和诊断的有效性。资料收集:应用计算机检索MEDLINE1970-01/2007-04与胫骨平台骨折的影像学相关文章,检索词“Tibial plateau fracture;plain film;SpiralCT;Three-dimensional reconstruction;MRI”,并限定文章语言种类为“English”。同时用计算机检索万方数据库1996-01/2007-04期间的相关文章,限定文章语言种类为中文,检索词“胫骨平台骨折;平片;螺旋CT;三维重建;核磁共振”。资料选择:对资料进行初审,找出所有和上述检索词一致的文献,审核摘要后,纳入的标准为:①影像学评估骨折的文献。②关于平台骨折诊断的文献。③关于平台骨折分型的文献。资料提炼:共收集到82篇关于胫骨平台影像学、分型、诊断的文献,30篇符合纳入标准,排除的169篇因系关于胫骨平台手术方法的文献。资料综合:胫骨平台骨折的治疗一直是创伤骨科的治疗难题,特别是复杂性骨折,术前诊断和分型对治疗和预后起到了十分重要的作用。临床上最常用的的分型是Schatzker分型,影像学资料作为诊断和分型依据,为临床骨科医师看重。从X射线平片到核磁共振(MRI),各种资料都有自己的优点和局限性。分别从影像学、分型及诊断对胫骨平台骨折进行了充分的认识,并提出了近年来分型和诊断上的新观点,质疑了X射线平片诊断的准确性。结论:由于胫骨平台骨折的复杂性,X射线平片已经不能很好地为平台骨折提供最完善的信息,需要有CT及其他影像学技术的辅助,才能给治疗提供有意义的帮助。
OBJECTIVE: Comprehensively comparing the articles between the domestic and overseas databases, we discuss the availability in the diagnosis and treatment of tibial plateau fracture with different radiographic techniques. DATA SOURCES: The English literatures related to the radiographic evaluation of tibial plateau fracture were collected from Medline database from January 1970 to April 2007, with the key words of "tibial plateau fracture, plain film, spiral CT, three-dimensional reconstruction, MRI". Meanwhile, the relevant Chinese literatures were collected in Wanfang database from January 1996 to April 2007, with the key words of "tibial plateau fracture, plain film, spiral CT, three-dimensional reconstruction, MRI". STUDY SELECTION: After primary selection, the literatures in accordance with the key words were screened out. Abstracts were reviewed. Inclusive criteria: ①literatures on radiographic evaluation of tibial plateau fracture;②literatures on diagnosis of tibial plateau fracture;③literatures on classification of tibial plateau fracture. DATA EXTRACTION: The 82 literatures of tibial plateau fracture concerned with radiographic evaluation, classification and diagnosis were collected, 30 of them were reviewed and included in this paper. Other 169 papers were deleted due to the content of tibial plateau surgical operation. DATA SYNTHESIS: The treatment of tibial plateau fracture is always a problem in orthopaedic and traumalogy, especially in the complex fracture. Preoperative diagnosis and classification is very important for the treatment and prognosis. Clinicians prefer Schatzker classification when doing diagnosis. They put much emphasis on radiological imaging material, including X-ray, spiral CT, three-dimension reconstruction and MRI. Each of these imaging techniques has its own benefits and limitations. This review gives a concrete recognition of tibial plateau fracture on radiographic evaluation, typing and diagnosis, raises new viewpoints, and calls in question of plain f
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research