
美国大众传媒的政治社会化及对我国构建社会主义和谐文化的启示 被引量:3

AmericanMass Media's Characteristics of Political Socialization and Its Enlightenment to the Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society of Our Country
摘要 传媒时代的到来,大大更换了美国公民政治社会化的传统图景。一方面,传统的政治社会化载体家庭、学校以及政党等继续存在和发挥作用,另一方面,大众传媒越来越成为美国政治社会化的最重要承担者之一。概而言之,美国大众传媒起到丰富公众政治认知、提高公众的政治技能与政治参与积极性、传承美国政治文化以及维护美国政治稳定的作用。美国大众传媒的政治社会化具有很强的社会适应性与公信力、具有间接化、隐蔽化、艺术化、娱乐化的特点,可以为我国正确地发挥大众传媒在构建社会主义和谐文化中的作用提供某些借鉴。 In the age of mass media,the map of political socialization in America has greatly changed. On the one hand, family, school and party are still the political undertakers. On the other hand,mass media is playing a more important role in the modern society. In general, Enriching poople's political knowledge, improving political skills and fosteringpolitical cultureare the basic political socialization function of Americanmass media. Americanmass media has great flexibilityand public credit among American people. At the same time, Americanmass media also has indirect, covertand recreational characteristics. We can learn some virtues of Americanmass media in the construction of socialist harmonious society.
作者 刘中伟
出处 《兰州学刊》 2007年第2期11-14,共4页
关键词 大众传媒 政治社会化 政治文化 社会主义和谐文化 mass media political socialization political culture socialist harmonious culture
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