介绍了以三维造型软件SolidW orks的二次开发技术为基础,采用面向对象语言Visual Basic6.0为工具,结合SQL Server 2000数据库技术,进行矿井通风仿真系统插件开发的方法,建立了适合用户需要的、专用的SolidW orks功能模块。所开发的仿真系统插件与SolidW orks应用环境无缝集成,界面友好,操作方便,实现了通风网络图的绘制、网络解算和数据管理一体化功能,提高了矿山通风管理的水平。
This paper presents the way of developing mine ventilation network simulation system package which is based on the seeondary development teehnolagy of SolidWorks, a 3D modeling softwares, and adopts objeet-oriented Visual Basie 6.0 language as the tool and also SQL Server 2000 database teehnolagy, by whieh a funetional module speeially adapted to the client need is established. The developed simulation system package is seamlessly integrated with SolidWorks application environment, has friendly interface and is easy to operate. It has realized the integration of the graphics drawing of the ventilation network, the network analytic calculation and the data management so as to improve the mine ventilation management level.
Metal Mine