AIM: To study feasibility in the 5-9 years old amblyopia children who were dilated the pupil with Mydrin-P for refraction.
METHODS: After used the two kind of mydriatic (Mydrin-P and Atropine) to dilate the pupil, 30 patients (60 eyes) amblyopia children were examined with retinoscopy. The data were analyzed with SPSS.
RESULTS: The change of the myopoia and astigmatism group showed no statistical difference (P〉0.05). And The change of the hypermetropia group showed significant difference between the two kind of mydriatic, but there was the correlation between them.
CONCLUSION: Special instance when we can not use the Atropine to dilate the pupil for amblyopia children, using the Mydrin-P are allowed.
International Eye Science