SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型是一个集成遥感(RS)、地理信息系统(GIS)和数字高程模型(DEM)技术的基于水文过程的、具有较强物理机制的先进的分布式流域水文物理模型。为了进一步研究流域尺度内水文过程的时空变化规律,深入了解流域水文时空过程与气象、地-气界面条件及流域地貌特征间的关系,选取汉江上游马道流域,运用AVSWAT2000版模型进行1981-985年间的年、月径流模拟,以月径流模拟的N-S模型效率系数为主要指标,率定出月模拟效果最佳时(N-S模型效率系数达0.9427)的各参数值。在此基础上从马道出水站点沿主河道往上游再选取6个控制点,用前面率定好的参数来模拟各个控制点处的出口流量,并研究径流模拟的空间响应,提出归一化径流面积比指数。分析指出当蒸发量小于月平均降水量时,马道流域不同面积研究区的归一化径流面积比指数趋于稳定值,当蒸发量接近或者大于月平均降水量的时候,随着研究区面积由大到小的变化,归一化径流面积比指数波动加剧,研究区面积越小,归一化径流面积比指数值的偏移量越大。
SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model is an advanced, physically based, distributed hydrological model which is integrated with Remote Sensing (RS), Geographic Information System (GIS) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) techniques. In order to study the time-space changing regularity of hydrological process and find out the relationship among hydrological time-space process, meteorology and physiographic characteristic of river basin, yearly and monthly runoff simulations (1981~1985) were applied to Madao catchment located on the upper stream of the Hanjing River Basin. After ascertaining the optimal parameters, satisfying simulation results were obtained with the accuracy of 0. 9427 for Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient over the 5 years continuous monthly simulations on discharges, which suggest an excellent modeling performance of SWAT2000 in the study basin. 6 referenced sub-drainage basin were selected on the upper stream of the Madao main riverway, monthly runoff simulations were applied to them with the same parameters as Madao catchment, then the spacial responses of runoff simulation were studied and the normalization of runoff area ratio were presented. Analysis indicated that: when monthly real evaporation less than monthly precipitation, normalization of monthly runoff-area ratio of different study areas in Madao catchment would be stable; when monthly real evaporation approach or more than monthly precipitation, normalization of monthly runoff-area ratio fluctuate accelerate as the study area vary from large to small, the more smaller the sub-drainage basin was, the large offset the normalization of monthly runoff--area ratio would be.
Research of Soil and Water Conservation