

Primary Study on the Relation Between Sea Surface Temperature and Cloud Liquid Water in Three Tropical Oceans
摘要 热带太平洋、大西洋和热带印度洋是全球海洋-大气相互作用最显著的海域。为了探讨热带三大洋局地海洋-大气相互作用中的某些特征,利用新的卫星遥感资料对热带三大洋的云水和海表温度(SST)异常变化进行了统计相关分析。研究发现:在赤道太平洋和赤道大西洋云水和SST二者在超前或滞后5周内都呈现明显的正相关关系,表明3个赤道海域云水和SST之间具有明显的相互作用正反馈机制;在热带西印度洋SST异常超前CLW异常一周时,正相关系数最大,SST的变化导致云水的变化;而在以较冷海水为下垫面的赤道外东北太平洋,东南太平洋以及赤道外的南大西洋海域,二者呈明显的负相关关系,云水的变化会引起SST的变化。位于菲律宾以东的热带西北太平洋区,云水量的变化引起SST的变化;而赤道东印度洋暖池区即存在云水量的增加(减少)引起SST降低(升高)的现象,也存在SST降低(升高)引起云水量的减少(增加)的现象。以上结果将为进一步理解海洋-大气相互作用,在数值模式中正确设计海洋-大气边界层参数化方案提供参考。 The tropical Pacific, the tropical Indian Ocean and the tropical Atlantic are the most prominent areas in terms of Ocean Atmosphere interaction on earth. To probe into some features about the local Ocean Atmosphere interaction, new satellite data for the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomaly and Cloud Liquid Water (CLW) have been analysed statistically by correlation analysis in the three tropical oceans in this paper. It is discovered that the synchronous correlation coefficients of SST anomaly and CLW anomaly are always positive within 5 weeks of lead or lag time, which means there is a positive feedback mechanism between SST anomaly and CLW anomaly in the equatorial Pacific and Atlantic; When the SST anomaly leads the CLW anomaly by one week, the positive correlation coefficient is maximum, which means that the SST variation could lead the CLW variation in the west tropical Indian Ocean; Contrary to this, the synchronous correlation coefficient is negative in cold sea surfaces, such as the extra-equatorial southeast and northeast Pacific and extra-equatorial south Atlantic, where the CLW variation could lead to the SST variation. In the tropical northwest pacific, which is in the east of the Philippines, the CLW variation could also lead to the SST variation ; In the east equatorial Indian Ocean, the SST increase (decrease) could lead to CLW increase (decrease) in some periods, and CLW increase (decrease) could also conduce to SST decrease (increase) in other periods. Those results will be useful for understanding tropical ocean-atmosphere interaction and improving the parameterization scheme of ocean-atmosphere interaction.
作者 刘秦玉 秦婷
出处 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期345-350,共6页 Periodical of Ocean University of China
基金 国家自然科学基金(40676010 40333030)资助
关键词 海表面温度 云水 热带太平洋 热带印度洋 热带大西洋 sea surface temperature cloud liquid water Tropical Pacific Tropical Indian Ocean Tropical Atlantic
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