以个旧锡矿某矿区为例,对区域矿产资源查询系统进行了初步设计与开发,以期探讨1种基于Web GIS的矿产资源查询系统的开发思路与方法。以Windows为操作系统,选择Super Map为GIS开发平台,在Visual studio.Net环境下,利用Visual Basic.NET开发语言进行系统的开发。系统采用SuperMap IS.NET作为地图服务器,并引用它的地图类库,减少了开发的难度。客户端完全采用HTML/Javascript实现,做到了跨平台运行,满足了不同用户需求。系统除实现了地图的放大、缩小、漫游等基本操作以外,还实现了空间数据与属性数据的关联查询,包括矿体的空间分布、产状、储量、出露地层、构造等信息,为矿产资源管理部门与工程设计单位进行矿产资源信息的实时快速查询提供了方便。
Preliminary design and development of the regional mineral resource query system was made with a mining area in Gejiu Tin Mine as the real ease, with the aim to explore the thought and method for developing a Web GIS-based mineral query system. The development of this system was carried out by using Visual Basic. NET language and Super Map GIS platform in Visual Studio. Net environment based on Windows operating system. Supermap IS. NET was used as the map server and its map database was quoted to reduce the development difficulty. HTML/Javascript language was used in developing the client interface and realizing the cross-platform operation so as to meet the requirements of different clients. In addition to the basic operation such as map magnification, contraction and roaming, it has realized a correlation query of space data with attribute data, including the information about the orebody distribution, spatial occurrence, reserve, outcrop stratum and structure, thus facilitating the rapid query of mineral resource information by the administrative sectors and engineering design units.
Metal Mine