随着嵌入式系统的快速发展,FLASH存储设备得到越来越广泛的应用。以Samsung公司的NAND FLASH器件K9F2808U0C为例,根据ARM嵌入式系统的要求以及NAND型Flash存储器的特点,设计了与LPC2210的接口电路,阐述了NAND FLASH的基本结构和对其操作程序流程,介绍了NAND FLASH在ARM嵌入式系统中的设计与实现方法,并将其在μC/OS Ⅱ操作系统上实现并验证,实验结果证明符合设计要求。
With the quickly development of embedded system, FLASH storage becomes the key to manage the huge amounts of data efficiently. Through a detailed instance of NAND FLASH KFLASH9F2808UOC of Samsung Corporation, this article introduces the basal structure of NAND FLASH,and introduces a design and realization of NAND FLASH in the ARM embedded system based on the demand of embedded system and the character of NAND FLASH storage. This design has been proved on μC/OSII operation system,and the result testified that the design fits the request.
Modern Electronics Technique