目前对雷达回波起伏特性的模拟一般是基于专用回波模拟器的。然而,某些通用仪器具有将Matlab编写的波形文件下载到仪器中以获得自定义波形输出的特点,因此,利用这些仪器可以模拟回波的起伏特性;LabVIEW在测试与测量、仪器控制等领域获得了广泛的应用,他提供了Matlab Script节点,使之可以与Matlab进行通信。因此利用这两种软件可以更好地控制通用仪器,实现回波起伏特性模拟。
Simulation of radar fluctuating echo is generally based on specific radar simulator. However, some universal instruments can download waveforms generated by Matlab to instruments,in order to obtain user - defined signal output so that radar fluctuating echo is simulated. LabVIEW, which provides Matlab Script to communicate with Matlab,can be used in many areas, such as testing and measurement and instrument controlling. So universal instrument is controlled well by LabVIEW and Matlab in order to simulate fluctuating signal.
Modern Electronics Technique