Objectives To learning about demands, utilization, and influential factors of health service and willingness of participating in medical insurance for labor workers who participated in medical insurance. Methods With the cluster randomly sampling method, we surveyed 2080 labor workers who participated in medical insurance with the questionnaire about demands and utilization of health service. Results The two- week prevalence rate was 25.35 %, which was higher than national average level. The most of diseases were common diseases. The two- week prevalence rates were different by age, educational level and occupation. Among the surveyed who suffered from the disease, the rates of visiting a doctor, treatment by themselves and without treatment were 42.37%, 34.09% and 23.54%, respectively. The main visited hospitals were social health center (42.44% ) and street hospital (22.69% ). The main reasons were convenient (40.52% ), need of disease condition (21.55% ), and proportional price ( 19.83% ) . The rate of without visiting a doctor was high that was 57.63% . The main reasons were poor accessibility, slight diseases, and poverty. The 85.94% surveyed were willing to participate in medical insurance. However, only 1.60% of them learned well about medical insurance policy. Conclusions The demands on health service for labor workers who participated in medical insurance were great and their utilization level need improvement. The flow of patient visits was rational. The accessibility of health service, poverty and disease condition were important factors that influence utilization of health service. The willingness of participating in medical insurance was strong. The policy of medical insurance was not publicized well.
Chinese Health Service Management
Labor workers Medical insurance Demand Utilization Influential factors