

A New Method for Parabolic Equations with Highly Oscillating Coefficients
摘要 本文将小波数值均匀化方法用于求解系数快速振荡的抛物型方程,对系数周期快速振荡、局部快速振荡、随机快速振荡的抛物型方程分别进行了求解。由于所求方程难以得到解析解,以精细剖分有限体积法的解作为参照解。计算结果表明,与精细剖分的有限体积法相比较,小波数值均匀化方法既大大节省了计算时间又保持了较好的计算精度。 The principle of wavelet-based homogenization is introduced. The method is applied to parabolic equations with three kinds of highly oscillating coefficients. Because it is hard for these equations to get the resolutional results, the referrence resolution is obtained from the results of finite volume with fine mesh. According to the resolutional results, the numerical results show that the proposed method is better than the finite volume method, not only in calculation but also in accuracy.
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 2007年第7期67-70,共4页 Computer Engineering & Science
关键词 小波 均匀化 多分辨分析 有限体积法 wavelet homogenization multiresolution analysis finite volume method
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