通过热重分析和电化学阻抗谱研究相结合,研究了Co渗透对锶掺杂锰酸镧-钇稳定氧化锆(LSM-YSZ)复合电极性能影响的机制.Co渗透用前驱硝酸盐的热分析表明,Co(NO3)2的分解产物在600~750 ℃温度范围内有一个明显的失重过程,该失重过程对应Co2O3分解为Co3O4,在高于900 ℃的失重对应Co3O4分解为CoO,降温过程中850 ℃附近的增重对应CoO吸氧成Co3O4,电化学阻抗谱的结果与热分析结果对应,表现为在有Co的氧化物变相时非欧姆阻抗有明显降低,没有氧化物变化时非欧姆阻抗无降低,这种对应关系表明,Co渗透对LSM-YSZ电极的改善作用主要来自于在温度变化过程中Co氧化物的分解和氧化带来的LSM-YSZ电极体系内氧的变化.
Mechanism of infiltrated cobalt oxide effects on lanthanum strontium manganate-yttria stabilized zirconia (ESM-YSZ) cathode performance was studied by combining thermogravimetry ( TG ) with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). TG analysis results showed that the decomposition of Co (NO3)2 had a significant weight loss in temperature range of 600 - 750℃, which related to Co203 decomposition and formed Co304. Weight loss at 930 ℃ related to Co304 decomposition and formed CoO, on the other hand, weight gain at 850 ℃ during decrease temperature from 1000 ℃ to lower temperature related to CoO oxidization and formed Co3O4. EIS results kept constancy with TG analysis results, which showed non-ohmic resistance improvement when TG curves showed weight change and no non-ohmic resistance improvement when TG curves showed no weight change. It means that the improvement of LSM-YSZ cathode by cobalt oxide infiltration was due to the cobalt oxide decomposition/oxidization while temperature changed.
Journal of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths