

The Study on CAD/CAM System of Injection Mould for the Kind of Impeller
摘要 此注射模具CAD系统是在CADDS软件基础上进行二次开发建立起来的,主要应用于叶片类注射模具的设计,亦可应用于一般的注射模具设计。它包括主控模块、分析计算、产品造型、数据文件、零件库、型腔设计、数控加工等几部分。对于叶轮产品,可直接进行设计,或输入其叶型数据,即可利用本系统完成从产品到模具的设计工作,用户界面友好,可交互设计,使用简单,具有较强的实用价值。 Based on the CADDS, a CADsystem of injection moulds was established. The system is mainly used to implement the design of the injection moulds of impeller parts by means of program control,as well the design of the general injection moulds. The system includes the following parts: main module, analysis module, product modelling,database files, part library,cavity design and NC machining. Using this system, the design of impellers and their moulds can be conducted automatically, after imputting the geometric data of the impeller blades. The application of the system in the practical design was showed the excellent user interface,the ability to interactive design, easy to use.
出处 《模具技术》 1997年第1期62-66,共5页 Die and Mould Technology
关键词 叶轮 注射模 CAD/CAM 模具 塑料 Impeller Injection mould CAD/CAM
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