0.1moL苯胺用80.0mL溶剂溶解后,以无水AlCl3为催化剂,以溶解于30mL溶剂中的氯代异丙烷为烷基化试剂,通过Friedel—Crafts反应合成了对异丙基苯胺;用元素分析、FT—IR和^1H NMR的方法对所得产品的结构进行了表征。结果表明:1,2-二氯乙烷是合适的反应溶剂;在烷基化反应温度为6~10℃、反应时间为75~105min、无水AlCl3对苯胺物质量的比为1.1~1.2、氯代异丙烷对苯胺物质量的比为1.1~1.2时,对异丙基苯胺对苯胺的收率可达70%左右。
After 0.1 mol aniline had been solved by 80.0 mL solvent, aluminum chloride anhydrous as catalyst , isopropyl chloride which was solved in the 30.0 mL solvent previously as alkylating agent, 4 - isopropylaniline was synthesized through Friedel - Crafts reaction. The product was determined by elementary analysis, FT - IR and HNMR. The experimental result indicated 1,2 - dichloroethane was the suitable solvent. When the reaction temperature was 6.0 to 10.0℃, the reaction times were 75.0 to 105.0 minute, the molar ratio of aluminum chloride anhydrous to aniline was 1.1 - 1.2 and the molar ratio of isopropyl chloride to aniline was 1.1 - 1.2, the yield of 4 - isopropylaniline could up to 70%.
Chemical Engineer