Objective: The correspondent correlations between GTE (general teaching efficacy), PTE (personal teaching efficacy) and teacher anxiety, stress, burnout were checked to catch a better understanding of the effecting factors of teachers' mental health. Methods: EFA was conducted to find a combination of TES ( teacher efficacy scale) and Chinese TES to ensure a reliable measurement of GTE and PTE. And OSTES (Ohio state teacher efficacy scale) was used as a criterion of PTE. Scores of STAI, teacher stress questionnaire, MBI were used as the indicators to represent teachers' mental health level. 474 teachers from 15 middle schools in Guizhou and Shandong provinces completed these inventories. Results : The correlations between the GTE and PTE was - 0.02. Therefore, the two variables were independent. The correlation between GTE and state, anxiety, stress, burnout were -0. 31, -0.35, -0.46 and -0.51respectively. In contrast, the correlations between PTE and the four mental health variables range from -0.04 to -0.13, which was uncorrelated or very weak. The results from CCA (canonical correlation analysis) also confirmed these. Significant interactive effect was found when using GTE and PTE as the factors of mental health variables to conduct a MAUVOA. Conclusion: The results Of the study indicate that the environmental factors overwhelm the individual capabilities of the particular teacher when considering their influences on teachers' mental health in China. Lower GTE level implies lower mental health level and shadows the correlation between PTE and teacher s mental health.
Journal of Guizhou Normal University:Natural Sciences