为了解孔雀使用新城疫疫苗免疫后的效果,分别于免疫前和免疫后15、30、60、90 d采血进行血凝抑制试验(HI),对孔雀体内的抗新城疫病毒抗体进行检测。结果显示,孔雀接种新城疫疫苗后15 d平均HI抗体水平达到高峰,并可持续到免疫接种后30 d,免疫接种后90 d,抗体平均滴度已经和免疫前的抗体水平基本持平。
In order to investigate the immune effect of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccine in peafowl, the blood samples of peafowl were collected on 0, 15, 30, 60 and 90 d postinoculated (p. i),respectively, and the antibody titers were detected by HI assay. The results showed that the average titer of anti-NDV antibody reached the peak on 15 d p. i, and could maintained high antibody titers until the 30th d p. i. However, on 90 d p. i,the average titer of anti-NDV antibody had declined to the very low level was equivalent to the pre-inoculation.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine