The objective of the study to study the clinical efficacy and toxicity of high dose infosfamide (HDI) in the treatment of soft tissue sarcoma teenage patients who failed in the treatment with prior adriamycin and infosfamide at standard doses. Seventeen patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma and 10 patients after surgical resection were treated with HDI administered by continuous infusion at a dose of 12 g/m^2 per cycle over six days. An overall response rate of 41.18% was observed with five complete andtwo partial remission to the advanced patients . In the follow up at 4-48 month, the overall median survival time was 22±3.35 months and the median response duration was 7.00±1.75 months. The major toxicity was myelosuppression, 48.57 % of patients experieneed grade Ⅲ , Ⅳ neutropenia. In conclusion, HDI is an active salvage regimen in anthracycline +/-standard dose ifosfamide for soft tissue sarcoma to teenage patients.
Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment