In order to study the therapeutic feasibility of internal fixation by single-cut to treat fracture of middle and lower part of the tibia and fibula(FTF), 97 cases of FTF were randomly divided into two groups: group A (treated by single-cut at cruralis anterior with internal fixation steel plate for tibia and pins for fibia) and group B (treated by dual-cut at cruralis anterior and fibular exterior with steel plate); The operative time, amount of bleeding, cut and fracture healing and the ankle complication of the two groups was observed and compared. The results showed that the time of tibial fracture healing of the two groups was 4.9 m and 4.8 m, respectively(T=0.748), the time of fibular fracture healing of the two groups was 3.2 m and 3.8 m(with significant difference<0.05), and the operative time of the two groups were 57 minutes and 110 minutes(P<0.05), amount of bleeding were 83ml and 110ml(P<0.05),and the time of cut healing were 13.7 d and 13.9 d(T=0.552),there was no infection in group A while 1 case in group B, there 3 cases and 7 cases in the two groups occurred putrescence at the fringe of skin(χ2=0.93), no case occurred myofascial syndrome, the cases of ankle pain in the two groups at the last follow-up were 5 cases and 7 cases, respectively(χ2=0.33), suggesting that internal fixation by single-cut to treat fracture of FTF has an advantage over by dual-cut in effect and complication.
The Journal of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology
fracture of the tibia and fibula / therapy, fracture fixation, cut/method ,clinical study