对金耳(Tremella aurantialba)的担子果、酵母状分生孢子培养物和菌丝培养物的核糖体DNA内部转录间隔区(ITS)序列进行PCR扩增和测序。结果表明金耳担子果的ITS区PCR产物均为碱基数不同的两条带,片段长度和序列与酵母状分生孢子培养物、菌丝培养物一致。通过对ITS1和ITS2联合进行系统发育分析表明金耳酵母状分生孢子培养物归属于银耳属的金耳,参与组成担子果的寄主菌丝为毛韧革菌(Stereum hirsutum)。结合GenBank中登录的金黄银耳、脑状银耳、橙黄银耳等近似种构建了的系统发育树,结果支持形态学证据,表明金耳是一个独立种。
rDNA ITS (ITS1 and ITS2) fragments of the basidiocarps, anamorph blastospores and mycelia isolates from Tremella aurantialba were amplified by PCR and then were sequenced. The results showed that ITS fragment of basidiocarps contained two bands with different nLunber of bases : one was identical with ITS sequences of the anamorph blastospore isolates, and another was identical with ITS sequences of the mycelium isolates. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS1 and ITS2 sequences indicated that the anamorph blastospore isolates is Tremella aurantialba and the mycelia isolates, the host fungus of T. aurantialba, is Stereum hirsutum. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by using sequences of T. aurantialba and those of its analog species T. aurantia, T. encephala and T. mesenterica in GenBank. All the results revealed that T. aurantialba is an independent species, which is consistent with the morphological evidence.
Acta Botanica Yunnanica