
鼠肝炎病毒在长爪沙鼠消化系统的分布及其组织病理学改变 被引量:8

Distribution of Mongolian Gerbil Hepatitis Viruses and Histopathology in the Digestive System of Mongolian Gerbils
摘要 目的弄清鼠肝炎病毒感染长爪沙鼠后所引起的消化道病理变化及其在消化道分布的情况。方法取4个年龄段的普通级长爪沙鼠,利用MHV(murine hepatitis virus,MHV)免疫组织化学方法,结合血清学检测(间接ELISA法)结果对其进行了全面的研究。结果全部血清学阳性的沙鼠均出现肝脏的灶性坏死,肝细胞界限不清晰,细胞核大小不一,部分细胞崩解,并可见到合胞体。MHV阳性细胞主要分布在肝血窦内皮细胞、枯否氏细胞、MHV阳性肝细胞的数量较少,呈现分散分布,阳性细胞内可见大小一致的MHV阳性颗粒,未见形成明显的包涵体结构。部分胃黏膜上皮及腺上皮脱落,MHV阳性反应呈局灶性分布于胃底腺颈部和胃底腺间的结缔组织,阳性细胞主要为胃底腺颈部的胃底腺主细胞。肠道的病变主要表现在固有层内的淋巴细胞浸润,以结肠和盲肠部分较为明显。结论普通环境饲养的实验长爪沙鼠对鼠肝炎病毒易感,该病毒感染可引起实验长爪沙鼠肝、胃、结肠和盲肠等器官的病理变化,病毒主要分布在肝血窦内皮细胞、枯否氏细胞和胃肠黏膜上皮中。利用免疫组织化学技术检测长爪沙鼠的消化系统的病理变化可作为诊断和检测长爪沙鼠鼠肝炎病毒感染的有效方法之一。 Objective To evaluate the distribution of Mongolian gerbil hepatitits virus (MGHV) and histopathological changes in the digestive tract of infected Mongolian gerbils. Methods The gerbils were grouped by four ages. Streptin-biotincomplex immunohistochemistry and serology test(ELISA)were applied to examine the pathological change and determine the virus in the digestive tract. Results The results showed that the infected gerbils dipicted widespread necrotic foci in the liver in all age groups. The boundory between hepatocytes was unclear. The hepatocytes appeared in different size and color, and some of them were degenerated. The MHV (murine hepatitis virus)-positive reaction mainly distributed in the endothelial and Kupffer' s cells around sinusoids. The ratio of MHV-positive hepatocytes was relatively low and dispersed. There were uniform MHV-positive particles in MHV positive hepatocytes. In the stomach, the MHV-positive reaction was mainly located in the bottom and of the pit and cervical part of the fundic glands and limited locally. The MHV-positive ceils were mainly chief cells. In the intestine, the main pathological changes were presented as lymphocytic infiltration in the lamina propria and between the mucosal epithelial cells. The control group showed to be negatively stained. Conclusion Mongolian gerbils bred in the open system are susceptible to MGHV infection and causing inflammatory infiltration in the liver, stomach, colon and cecum. The virus mainly replicated in the liver sinuseids, endothelial cells, Kupffer' s cells and gastrointestinal mucosal epithelium. The use of immunohistochemical technology in pathological examination of the digestive system in gerbils is an effective diagnostic approach to detect Mongolian gerbils infected with MGHV.
出处 《中国比较医学杂志》 CAS 2007年第4期197-200,I0003,共5页 Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine
基金 浙江省医药卫生基金(A80504E)
关键词 病理学 肝炎病毒 长爪沙鼠 免疫组织化学 Pathology Hepatitis virus, Mongolian gerbil Immunohistochemistry
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