采用实验室小型堆肥系统对3种典型废弃物牛粪、食物残渣及污泥堆肥过程的物理化学及微生物特性进行了研究和比较.研究表明不同原料堆肥pH都能升到8以上,C/N在堆肥过程中有降低的趋势。不同水分调整材料稻秸(RS)、蛭石(V)、废纸(WP)及锯屑(SD)对堆肥过程的影响与不同堆肥原料相比要小的多.在3种不同原料中,食物残渣堆肥活性最高,14 d有机物降解率为47.2%-56.8%,代表微生物量的醌含量在堆肥后期可增加到359.7-472.3μmol.kg-1,但微生物群体的多样性较低,醌多样性指数DQ在堆肥后期增加到6.1-6.7.牛粪堆肥只在初始阶段活性较高,之后很快降低,其醌含量较低.在堆肥中期达到最大值为36.3-117.0μmol.kg-1,醌多样性指数DQ初始期为10.3-12.8,堆肥过程中逐渐升高至后期达18.1-22.7.污泥堆肥的各项特性介于食物残渣和牛粪之间.堆肥过程的不同主要是由于原料中各种有机成分的不同而导致.根据研究结果提出了对堆肥过程进行合理控制的建议.
Characterization on the physieo-chemical and microbial properties were carried out in thermophilie eomposting processes of 3 different biological solid wastes: manure, garbage and sludge, pH increased to above 8 and C/N ratio decreased during the process. The effect of different bulking agents on the eomposting process is smaller compared to different raw materials. Among the 3 different materials, garbage eomposting shows highest eomposting activity,and the mass reduction rate is 47.2% -56.8% after 14 days. Quinone content, representative of microbial biomass, increases to 359.7 - 472.3 mol· kg^-1~ at the late eomposting period. However quinone diversity index only increases to 6.1 - 6.7, suggesting lower microbial diversity. The eomposting activity of cattle manure is only high at initial period and then decreases. The quinone content is high at middle period of cattle manure eomposting with the value of 36.3 - 117.0 mol· kg^-1 . DQ is 10.3 - 12.8 at initial, and increases to 18.1 - 22.7 during cattle manure eomposting. The properties of sludge eompostiag fall in the range between cattle manure and garbage. It is suggested that the differences of the eomposting processes are mainly caused by organic component level in different raw materials. Suggestions on the control of eomposting process are also proposed based on this study.
Environmental Science