
Ilizarov技术矫正手与前臂畸形的临床应用研究 被引量:5

A clinical study of Ilizarov technique in the correction of hand and forearm deformities
摘要 [目的]探讨用Ilizarov技术矫正手与前臂畸形的器械研制、手术方法与疗效。[方法]2例桡骨感染性大段缺损,伴肘、腕关节畸形,年龄11和12岁。3例手外伤后形成瘢痕挛缩畸形,其中手虎口挛缩1例;第2、3手指蹼挛缩1例;食指重度屈曲挛缩1例,年龄13—27岁。前臂缺损牵伸治疗应用标准的Ilizarov器械与技术,手的畸形矫正应用自行研制的微型骨外固定牵拉器,并进行了穿针布局和牵拉应力的测试,术后按要求缓慢旋转螺纹杆,使疤痕挛缩的组织产生持续的张力,缓慢矫正畸形,其中2例前臂缺损和1例指蹼挛缩者,结合实施了有限度的骨性与软组织手术。[结果]5例病人治疗结束后平均随访7个月,全部达到满意的矫形治疗效果,功能较术前获得明显改善,未出现并发症。[结论]应用Ilizarov技术修复前臂的残缺,矫正手的畸形,具有微创、简单、疗效确切的优点,不会产生严重的手术并发症。 [Objective] To explore the apparatus assembly,operative method and effeetiveness of Ilizarov teehnique in the eorreetion of deformities of hand and forearm. [ Method]There were two eases aged 11 - 12 years with infeetive bone defeet of radius,deformities of elbow and wrist joints, as well as three eases aged 13 -27 years with hand deformities eaused by traumatie sear contraeture such as first web space eontraeture, second web space eontraeture and severe flexion eontraeture of index finger. Standard Ilizarov equipment and teehnique was applied to the forearm defeets and eustom-made mini external fixators to hand deformities with wire distribution and distraetion tension tested. The deformities were corrected by gradual distraction of the fixators. Two patients of forearm defects and one ease of the seeond web spaee eontraeture underwent limited bony and soft tissue operations in eombination with Ilizarov teehnique. [ Result] The average follow-up of seven months showed that satisfaetory results with improved funetions were achieved in all five patients without eomplieations. [ Conclusion ] Ilizarov teehnique is mini-invasive, simple, effective in correcting anomalies and deformities of hand and forearm.
出处 《中国矫形外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期577-578,586,共3页 Orthopedic Journal of China
关键词 前臂残缺 手畸形 ILIZAROV技术 外科矫正 forearm anomalies hand deformities Ilizarov teehnique surgieal eorreetion
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