[Objective] To explore the apparatus assembly,operative method and effeetiveness of Ilizarov teehnique in the eorreetion of deformities of hand and forearm. [ Method]There were two eases aged 11 - 12 years with infeetive bone defeet of radius,deformities of elbow and wrist joints, as well as three eases aged 13 -27 years with hand deformities eaused by traumatie sear contraeture such as first web space eontraeture, second web space eontraeture and severe flexion eontraeture of index finger. Standard Ilizarov equipment and teehnique was applied to the forearm defeets and eustom-made mini external fixators to hand deformities with wire distribution and distraetion tension tested. The deformities were corrected by gradual distraction of the fixators. Two patients of forearm defects and one ease of the seeond web spaee eontraeture underwent limited bony and soft tissue operations in eombination with Ilizarov teehnique. [ Result] The average follow-up of seven months showed that satisfaetory results with improved funetions were achieved in all five patients without eomplieations. [ Conclusion ] Ilizarov teehnique is mini-invasive, simple, effective in correcting anomalies and deformities of hand and forearm.
Orthopedic Journal of China