Purpose: To explore the character of cerebral sparganosis on MRI. Materials and Methods: MR imaging of six patients with cerebral sparganosis were reviewed retrospectively. To analysis the distribution, the shape and the intensity of pre- and post- enhancement of the lesions.Results: All cases shown a single lesion. The location of lesions were superficial, three were in parietal lobe, one in frontal lobe, one in temporal lobe and one in posterior part of brain stem. Five lesions were irregular shape and about 3cm in size with moderate hypo- intensity on T1WI and hyper - intensity on T2 WI. A presenting feature of the parasitic granuloma "string - knot shape" enhancement was demonstrated in five cases. One case showed a cyst - like lesion with peripheral enhancement. There were slight hyper - intensity surrounding the nodular lesions which corresponding to edema. Diagnosis of sparganosis was made on base of characteristic enhancement in MRI for three cases, and three were diagnosed as parasitic infections disease. During surgery, live larvas of sparganum were successfully removed in five cases with "string - knot shape" enhancement lesions on MRI. In case with cyst - like lesion, only fragment of worm body were obtained. Conclusion: "String- knot shape" enhancement was a MRI characteristic finding, which was valuable in diagnosis of cerebral sparganosis.
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging