New-type electronic current transformers show their technical advantages over iron-magnetism current transformers day by day, so it has become a tide to design electronic current transformers. The key to the design is fulfilling a data acquisition system of high performance. In this paper, one kind of PIC serial microcontrollers named PIC16F676 is used as the core, which is of tiny power consumption and high ratio of quality to price, to make up of the data acquisition system. In the paper, the low power-consumption and strong anti-jamming characters of the system are realized by optimizing apparatus selection and software coding scheme. At last, it is proved that the electronic current transformers' sample machine which is made up of the system reaches the precision of test level 0. 1 through experiments, which is set in IEC' standard. Accordingly, that the system is a feasible and quite precise one is also validated.
Electronic Measurement Technology