根据张家口14个气象站点1960-2004年的降水、气温、日照、无霜期等气象资料和粮食、蔬菜、经济作物的播种面积、产量、农业总产值及农业气象灾害等资料,分析了45年来张家口气候变化的特征以及对种植业的影响。结果表明:张家口45年来气温呈明显的上升趋势,升温幅度0.4℃/10年;无霜期日数每10年增加6.2 d;降水量在波动中减少;20世纪90年代后日照时数呈减少的趋势。气候变暖,降水量减少,干旱灾害趋于严重,粮食作物播种面积减少产量降低,但蔬菜、水果等经济作物播种面积增加,产量质量提高,经济效益明显。
The analyses are made of the characteristics of climate change and its effect on planting in the last 45 years in Zhang Jiakou by means of the data of precipitation, temperature, sunshine, frost-free period, etc., from 14 weather stations from 1960 to 2004, as well as the data on the planting area, grain yields, vegetables, economic crops, total agriculture production and agrometcorological disasters. The conclusion shows that temperature increased obviously by 0.4 ℃every 10 years; the number of frost-free days increased by 6.2 days every 10 years; precipitation reduced fluctuantly; sunshine duration assumed a reducing trend after the 1990s. Along with the climate warming and precipitation decreasing, the planting area and food yields reduced, and drought disasters became more serious; but the planting area and yields of such economic crops as vegetable and fruit increased, so the economy is benefited.
Meteorological Science and Technology
climate warming, drought, planting