在MATLAB环境下实现基于矢量量化的说话人识别系统.在实时录音的情况下,利用该识别系统,对不同人的1-7 s的语音进行辨识,准确率可达到98%.识别时间根据使用人数的不同,测试语音长度的不同辨识时间从1-20 s,实现与文本无关的自动说话人确认的实时识别.
A speaker recognition system is realized based on VQ in MATLAB environment. Under the circumstance of the real-time recoding, when different people speak the connected word between 1-7 s, the accuracy can reach 98%. The recognition time is between 1-20 s for different people or different length of test-time in this system.
Journal of Hubei University of Technology