Being surrounded with high mountains, the Hala Lake, is a large salty lake with an altitude of 4078m in the north of the Tibetan Plateau. Due to little human impacts on the lake drainage, the Hala Lake, as a typical inland closed lake located on the Chinese monsoon transition line, can provide sensitive information on the past climatic and natural environmental changes. Plateau area has been reported to be more sensitive in response to global change than the area at lower altitudes. Here we present the result of a short core retrieved form the Hala Lake in the north of Tibetan Plateau. The short core HALA -3B -02, 75cm long, was taken with a weight sampler at water depth of 19.3m in the north-west of Hala Lake (38°20′44. 8"N, 97°26′34. 3"E) in July, 2002.
Sediment samples from the sediment core drilled at the high-altitude Hala Lake were analyzed for a range of palaeoenvironmental indicators, which include stable isotope of oxygen and carbon of carbonates (δ^13C & δ^18O), total organic carbon content, carbonate content as well as magnetic susceptibility. Chronology of the sediment core was determined using ^210 Pb and ^137Cs. However, the ^137Cs dating result shows that the cumulating peak of the year of 1954 is hardly distinguishable due to disintegration with time. In addition, because of its diffusion and transference features, ^137Cs cumulating peak is considered improper for dating. Hala Lake chronology was thus established on dating series from ^210Pb CRS model and linear extrapolating based on bottom deposit rates. Average deposit rate of the profile under 21.5 cm ( corresponding to the year of 1900) is 0. 187cm/a, while that above 21.5cm suddenly rises to 0. 199cm/a, which is possibly relevant to more and more intense human activities since the 20^th century. The lithology of the profile from bottom to 21.5cm appears to be comparatively conformed, hereby corresponding deposit rate is supposed to be 0. 187cm/a. The earliest time was thus extrapolated to be 796 years before 2002
Quaternary Sciences
change Hala Lake, lake sediment, stable isotope of oxygen and carbon of carbonates, environmental