Aim : To study the effect of lactacystin on dopamine ltransporter (DAT) and vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT2) protein expressions in rats striatum. Methods. By stereotaxic unilateral injection of different doses of lactacystin, a selective proteasome inhibitor, into the substantia nigral pars compacta of rats, the spontaneous and apomorphine-induced contralateral behaviors of rats were observed, expressions of alpha-synuclein in nigral cells and DAT and VMAT2 in striatum were investigated by immunohistochemistry. Results. There was no difference between 0.2 μg group and the control. Animals treated with 2 μg and 8 μg lactacystin developed progressively bradykinetic and displayed contralateral head tilting and tremor; apomorphine-induced contralateral behavior was notably observed in rats of 8 μg group, with the dose of lactacystin increasing, contents of α-synuclein were increased by 57%(P 〈 0.01)and 122% (P 〈 0.001), contents of DAT and VMAT2 were decreased by 40%(P 〈 0.01), 85%(P 〈 0.001)and 50% (P 〈 0.01), 88% (P 〈 0.001). Conclusion. Lactacystin may cause negral cells degeneration and Parkinson's disease by decreasing DAT and VMAT2 protein expressions.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosciences