This study was carried out to identify molecular responses of the two varieties with different cold tolerance under cold water stress (13℃) at the booting stage. Transcriptional responses of the genes were analyzed in
This study was carried out to identify molecular responses of the two varieties with different cold tolerance under cold water stress (13℃) at the booting stage. Transcriptional responses of the genes were analyzed in the flag leaves treated with cold water for 3 days using the 60K rice whole genome microarray (www.ggbio.conff rice60 kchip.html). Expression profiling was conducted with the 60K Rice Whole Genome Mieroarray. Information of the microarray can be found at (http://www.ggbio.com/rice60kchip.html, GreenGene Biotech, Korea). The 60K microarray was designed to represent all the genes in rice. In total, 60 727 oligomers were designed from gene-specific regions of both japonica and indica subsp. These include 58 417 from known and predicted genes and 66 randomized DNA. Among these, 2 310 genes were also designed as antisense oligomers. Oligomer sequences were extracted by Qiagen-Operon (Cologne, Germany) based on rice genome information from Beijing Genomics Institute (Yu et al., 2002). Oligomers were synthesized and purified by Qiagen-Operon and spotted on
Molecular Plant Breeding
Rice, Booting stage, Cold water stress, Microarray, Transcriptional profile