the tension of relationship between doctor and patient and increase of medical dissension is an outstanding problem incurrent medical service. The trust and understanding are lack between doctor and patient and the situation of tension of relationship between doctor and patient is worried. There are man reasons that result in the tension, such as irrational distribution of health resources, the decreased input from government and society, the reasons from m.edical institutions themselves and patient, and soon, To solve the contraventions ,it should pay attention to adjusting the distribution of health resources to more embody equity and accessibility of medical service, reinforce the supervision on medical institutions, improve the quality of medical staff, spread medical knowledge between doctor and patient to establish mutual- trust relationship between doctor and patient to establish mutual trust relationship between doctor and patient, perfect current law and regulations and use humanism and system effective measures to alleviate the tension between doctor and patient .
Guide of China Medicine
Medical dissension increasing Countermeasure