

Researching of the WLAN' S IDS
摘要 入侵检测系统对于保障无线局域网(WLAN)安全十分重要。在深入分析当前WLAN安全问题中面临的主要问题后,针对无线局域网的特点,提出并实现了一个分布式无线入侵检测系统。首先对无线局域网网络结构和主要安全技术进行了分析,阐述了入侵检测技术在无线局域网安全体系结构中的重要作用以及目前入侵检测技术存在的主要问题。然后在WLAN环境下实现了一个分布式无线入侵检测系统。研究了诸如winpcap网络数据包捕获技术,多模式匹配算法中的自动机匹配算法及统计分析算法等具体实现技术。 Intrusion detection systems are one of the important ways to protect the security of wireless local area networks (WLANS).A new distribution wireless intrusion detection system is presented according to thecharacteristics of WLAN. At the beginning this dissertation analyzes networks tructure and several main security technologies,followed by the importance of intrusion detection technology in WLAN' s security system,and the defects in the existing intrusion detection technology.In the second part,a distribution wireless intrusion detection system is realized.Several technologies,such as Wincap network data packets capture technology,AC automaton matching algorithm ,are exploited to implement each module of the intrusion detection system. Stasistic analysis method is used in the system too.
作者 张秀 ZHANG Xiu (Nanyang Branch of China Netcom Group Ltd. ,Nanyang 473000,China )
出处 《电脑知识与技术》 2007年第3期1247-1248,1278,共3页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 无线局域网 网络安全 入侵检测 分布式系统 Wireless LAN network security Intrusion Detection Distribution system
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