

Research on P2P computing (BT) and its relationship with the multicast
摘要 从P2P技术的历史发展出发,分析和比较了该技术第二、三代的特点,着重研究了第三代P2P技术(BT)模式的特点,并将其与网络中常见的组播技术相比较,分析了这两者的异同,并对这两种技术的互相融合进行了研究。 Based on historic development of P2P technology, analysis and comparison of the second and the third generation of the technology features are conducted and the third generation of P2P technology (BT) model features are focused on, the similarities and differences between the P2P and the multicast which is common used in Interact are compared. The integration of these two technologies is also studyied and compared.
作者 汪海鹰 王东
出处 《重庆工商大学学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第2期181-184,196,共5页 Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 P2P BT 集群计算 组播 Peers to Peers Bit Torrent cluster computing multicast
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