
红砂岩粗粒土弹塑性双屈服面模型试验研究 被引量:3

Test study on the red sandstone granular soil's double yield elastoplastic constitutive model
摘要 通过高速公路路基90区红砂岩粗粒土填料的大型常规三轴试验研究,建立了一个椭圆-双曲线弹塑性双屈服面本构模型,并确定了模型参数。该模型可以考虑红砂岩粗粒土的剪缩硬化性,模型参数确定方法简单。另外,对FLAC进行二次开发,建立了红砂岩粗粒土弹塑性双屈服面本构模型计算模块,利用该模块对高速公路红砂岩粗粒土路堤填筑过程中的变形进行了模拟计算。结果显示,双屈服面弹塑性模型计算的红砂岩粗粒土路堤沉降值与实测值接近,该模型能很好描述红砂岩粗粒土的应力应变关系。 Through the large triaxial tests' study on the redstone granular soil with 90% compression degree in the high way embankment, a double yield surface elastoplastic constitutive model with a ellipse volumetric yield surface and a hyperbolic shear yield surface was set up in this paper, at the same time, the parameters of this elastoplastic constitutive model were also obtained from these triaxial tests in this paper. This constitutive model considers the volume shrinkage and the strength hardening of the redstone granular soil under the shearing and volumetric stresses, and the determination method of parameters in the constitutive model are extremely simple. Through the advanced developments in FLAC code, the double yield elastoplastic constitutive is implemented. The deformation of redstone granular soil-fill high way embankment during the filling procedure is simulated by this double yield surface elastoplastic constitutive model in the FLAC advanced code, and the computation settlement values compare with the surveyed settlement values at the same points. The comparing data shows there is a good agreement between the computation values and surveyed values, which suggests that the double yield elastoplastic constitutive model can well describe the mechanical behavior of the redstone granular soil.
出处 《塑性工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期123-129,共7页 Journal of Plasticity Engineering
基金 湖南省交通科技资助项目(200314)。
关键词 红砂岩粗粒土 弹塑性本构模型 双屈服面模型 高速公路路堤 redstone granular soil elastoplastic constitutive model double yield surface model high way embankment
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